Misfits where drawn to Jesus!

I use the term ‘misfit’ as a term on endearment! Because I see myself as one; some who doesn’t “fit in” with the conventional or in-crowd. In every society there are misfits. When Jesus ministered not only did he care for them but ‘they‘ where drawn to him!

Luke 15:1 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him. ESV

This is my heart for the church today! That we can so represent Jesus and His love that every misfit knows they have found a place where they fit! In the body of Christ, his church! Welcomed, loved and along with the other misfits a significant force to advance our saviors kingdom! – Pastor Jon

Categories: General


  1. Please help me to understand the coming of jesus

    • Jon Graciano says:

      Hi Marilee! good question! Are you referring to the first coming (already has happened) or the second coming (going to happen) of Jesus? A couple of verses come to mind that might help; John 3:16-17 and Luke 4:18-19. Blessings to you!


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