Hebrides Revival Video- Please do it again! by Pastor Jon

Hello Church Family! I wanted to share this video with you. I have talked a lot about the Hebrides revival and in my opinion this video will encourage you and remind you that God is doing something big right now! Let’s recognize the open window to heaven and pray!

I think we all can relate to the Smith sisters that were not able to make it to church because of their health issues. We can’t go to church because of COVID-19 but please watch this to be reminded of what God can do through prayer!

I’m also putting a link to another article at the end if you want to read more…

Please watch this video to the end and join me in praying! Let’s ask God to do it again! Love and praying for revival! -Pastor Jon

You will have to go to You Tube to watch this video.

Here is the link for a World Tribune article on the same topic.

Categories: General


  1. Kathy says:

    So good and encouraging
    Let’s keep praying

  2. Marcia says:

    Prayer changes history and bring revival. God do it again. ❤️


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