Marcia’s Quick Blog Update After South Korea

We are home, we arrived Sunday afternoon. I slept the majority of yesterday. Thank you for all your prayers they were needed and received. We are so grateful for you! (Jon, Kathy, Tracey, Helen, Sera, and myself)

Here are a few bullet points on our trip:

Our trip to Korea was excellent, we where sent to very strategic places. Ministered to influential leaders of revival, their families and ministry teams.
Pastor Jon’s teaching brought so much hope and encouragement for the laborers that are bringing in the harvest.
Pastor Jon lead a prayer time for the group of people that were with us at the DMZ for North and South Korea. That was an amazing moment to literally stand between the North and the South. Never thought we would ever be there, but God knew!
We prayed over many children and the orphanage, the children were all so open to hear and receive all that the Lord spoke over them.
We took 24 yellow prayer tablet and used all but maybe 4 – Just saying there was a lot of Original Design prayer going on. Much freedom, salvation, deliverance, spirit of death/suicide broken and hope restored.
Jon and Kathy ministered to pastors who needed encouragement for their journey. (They are Pastors of Pastors)
My heart is so full of all that God did so much still to unravel.
Tracey stayed longer to speak to a fire department in Seoul Korea.
These are just a few bullet points of our trip more to come.

Thank you for all the prayers we could not have done it without your prayers.
Continue praying for Pastor Jon and our team to be refreshed, no jet la, and no retaliation.

Love and appreciate you, we are very grateful
Marcia and team

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