Pardon the Interruption! by Renee Christensen

Pardon the Interruption!

Renee Christensen



If this time in history is not an interruption to our regular planned programming, I don’t know what is!  This disruption was not in my planner or on my schedule; in fact, it’s really wrecking many pre-programmed events! Birthday parties, spring break trips, girlfriend gatherings, sports, ministry events, and well… LIFE in general!


It seems inevitable that we are going to be here for a while, like it or not!  To be honest, there are many things I don’t like about it.  I don’t like the word pandemic and all that comes with it!  I don’t like my life interrupted; cancelling plans I had for fun, ministry, family, and self.  I don’t like loss of finances and resources. I don’t like the place of waiting in the unknown.  Most of all, I don’t like the fear of losing loved ones!  We can all agree this “pandemic” is forcing global change, yet we have no idea what that even looks like. This leaves our future filled with uncertainty.


On the other hand, this interruption has allowed me some much needed or forced downtime!  This too is uncharted territory.  It literally took me almost two weeks at home before I settled in.  My planner was pretty packed; with all good things of course!  It is sad that my mind and body were so busy that it took that long to “come down and settle in.”  WOW!


This forced downtime has also given me an unplanned opportunity to be desperate to hear from the Lord.  I may be busy, but I know who holds the answers. My spirit needed to stop and listen to what the Lord is whispering.  I spend time with the Lord on a regular basis, but this is different.   Lord, what is happening? How should I pray? What should I be doing right now?  What are you doing?!


I have begun to have the overwhelming feeling that this is a time of “Biblical Proportions” of which I can’t even wrap my mind around.  I do know that I do not want to go through this historic, unprecedented time, crying out and connecting with God, and then go back to life as normal when it is over.  That feels like a terrible outcome for me personally.  I want to be forever changed!


I believe that it is God’s heart for us to know Him more, be built up in faith, and be empowered in our gifts. His desire is that we love and encourage others in this season, as well as carry what we have learned beyond this season into the next. During this time, we are all having opportunities like mine, to redefine everyday life. I see people having time to tap into creativity they forgot they had. God is restoring families. He is blessing us with time to reevaluate our morals, values, and priorities.  We have a choice; how will we fight this war?


Be encouraged, the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you.  We don’t have to stay stuck.  I am asking God to search my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts; point out anything in me that offends him, and lead me in the way everlasting (Psalm 139:23-24).


Though difficult, I want the Holy Spirit to hold a mirror to my heart and show me what is not pleasing to God. Show me anything that is blocking His plans and purpose for me; His original design for my life.  I don’t want to be on the sidelines watching, I want to be right in the middle of what God is doing.  I believe He is pouring out His Spirit on His people in this time.  I plan to glorify God with the gifts and talents He has given me for such a time as this!


Lord, please forgive me for busyness; I repent for the pride in my heart that thinks I already know what you have in store for me, and for running ahead of you.  I receive your forgiveness and rebuke the spirit of pride out of my life in Jesus’ name.  Thank you for your unfailing love and patience with me; fill me with humility and a heart that obeys at all costs.  Thank you that you work all things together for good for those who love you and are called according to your purpose! Amen.


It turns out that with a little perspective change, this interruption is a blessing and just what I needed.

Categories: General


  1. Shannon DAVIS says:


  2. Jon S says:

    Amen!! Thank you, Renee!! Yes, thank You, Lord, for this, Your Interruption, into our lives. You are Good, Father. Thank You.

  3. Gary says:

    I receive this as truth Love and Victory, that has all ready been won threw the resurrection of are Lord and savior Jesus Christ , God bless all !!!

  4. Cindy Brown says:

    Amen! Thank you for your beautiful words!

  5. Marcia Keough says:

    Well said and very encouraging. Yes we are in a Divine Pause, lets get all we can out of it.


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