Prayer Points from Marcia

Hello everyone, I hope and pray you are all doing well. We are living in troubled times. Felt like we needed a prayer we could all pray together against fear.

Fear is like a virus in this world right now trying to rob our peace and take our joy.
Fear divides our hearts bringing a battle between faith and fear.

Thank you Lord that you never leave us alone you are with us always.
Jesus, I am sorry that I have partnered with fear, trauma and intimidation.
I don’t want to take part in this fear any longer.
Forgive me Lord. I receive your forgiveness.
I rebuke the spirit of fear and all it’s fruit in my life.
I break agreement with fear, intimidation, shock, terror and trauma. No longer do I give you place in my life.
I replace these lies/ assignment from my thinking  patterns– I choose You Lord, Your love, peace and Joy.
I receive your love, joy, hope and peace. I choose to keep my eyes on you through these hard times.
I declare fear has no power over me. I declare that:  God has not given me a spirit of fear but of love and of power and of a sound mind (self-discipline)  (2Tim 1:7)

Pray this for yourself, spouse and your family. Stay strong in the power on His great Love

We may seem isolated / quarantined, but we are never alone!

John 14:1
“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. (NLT)

We love you and miss you. Cant’ wait till we are all physically back together

Our hope is in the Lord,
Leadership team

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