Prayer Team Training Class Begins January 19th 6:30pm

We are starting 2016 with 7 weeks of prayer team training. The class will be Tuesday nights starting at 6:30pm and ending around 8:00. We will have childcare available and will take a free will offering to help differ the costs of the childcare workers. We ask that you have taken the Living Free class and received your Original Design Prayer, as a pre-requisite to this class. This class is part of the School of Urban Ministries so all SUM students have met pre-requisite requirements. You may also take the class with instructor permission, e-mail instructor with any questions.


If you are on a Freedom River Outreach prayer team this is your once a year mandatory training to continue to minister to the public as a FRO prayer team. We will be praying for each other as part of this training. By attending you will be helping equip others as prayer team ministers while simultaneously receiving prayer yourself. As ministers we all need that covering and encouragement! We are going to have a great time together! Hope to see you there! – Jon

Categories: General


  1. sikis izle says:

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  2. sikis izle says:

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