School of Urban Ministry class – Bottom Line Faith – starts January 18th 6:30pm

“Bottom Line Faith:  What does it mean to operate a business according to Biblical principals? Is running a Biblically based business in today’s culture really possible? The answer is yes, and in this class we will discuss how. This class is not just for business owners, or for those who want to own a business. It is designed for anyone in the marketplace, which basically means all of us! We will discuss God’s ownership of the business, and what that means, and what it looks like. What is our purpose in business? What role do we play as an employee in a business? How do we manage a business? All of these topics, and much more, will be discussed. The class will be led by Eric Lind, with OneAccord Partners (, and Paul Nordlund, President of Nordlund Boat ( The class will be very interactive, including the use of numerous case studies and plenty of practical experience to guide us on our path. If you are currently in the marketplace, desire to be, or just want to understand what a Biblically based business looks like, and how to operate a business as God leads, then this class is for you! Join us for seven weekly sessions, starting on Monday, January 18th, at Living Grace Church.” E-mail any questions to Eric Lind.

Categories: General


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