Thankful for our Healing Service

After our Sunday healing service I have been overwhelmed with a sense of thankfulness to our God! I haven’t received any reports yet of anyone’s healing yet but I know that’s coming. That’s not the source of my thankfulness. I am thankful because the church rallied around two amazing testimonies of life change and joined in to pray with an amazing faith! How can we not be thankful and rejoice! God changes lives! I believe changing someone’s spiritual life is even more difficult than changing their medical condition, and our God can do both! By the way our children where also praying for healing!

A special thank you to Linda B. and Shawn B. – you guys rocked the house with Holy Spirit truth and power! Healing came and touched us all – His name is JESUS!

Love you all – Pastor Jon15079012_1216620628385569_7947781298104861531_n-115085525_1216623685051930_3585594476296910978_n15107384_1216620618385570_5134465211460987036_n

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