Two Video Blogs from Lorin (VLOG)

Categories: General


  1. Ashleigh Monta says:

    Thank you for sharing…it sure helps our morale our faith and our strength. Thank you…. Love u sister…

  2. Pam Stewart says:

    Beautiful words and thoughts from a beautiful lady with a beautiful and loving heart. Thank you for reminding us how to make good use of our time and devotion.
    What a great way to stay encouraged till we can all be together.

    • Lorin Kim says:

      So glad that we can stay connected through the website! May you burn wildly for Him, Pam! Love you!<3

  3. Kathy says:

    Thank you Lorin for sharing your heart with us. So encouraging
    Love you

    • Lorin Kim says:

      Thank you Kathy, for being like a continually burning lamp for us and leading us and caring for us! Love you!<3

  4. Lorin Kim says:

    So glad that we can stay connected through the website! May you burn wildly for Him, Pam! Love you!<3

  5. Tom & Lita says:

    Pray covering for the doctors, nurses, administrators fighting for us in the face of the virus. “No greater love than to lay down life for another”. Also thank you so much FRO leaders for the streams. on Sun / Thur.We miss you guys.


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